Archive of Postings for June 2016


A Messy Divorce?

Less than a week on from the EU Referendum result but it certainly feels like a long time for UK politics. Change is everywhere.

So we meet again Mr BondTrue it was expected that the Conservative Party would soon need to elect a new leader - followed by a changed ministerial line-up. But much less expected was the internal revolt of their Labour opposite numbers and an opposition leader who kept refusing to go even when pushed - heavily. This resulting in Government problems - like the fall from grace of the Chancellor of the Exchequer - being pushed from the headlines by a Labour Party in melt-down.

Aside from the official Westminster political manoeuvers the week has been full of crazy schemes and rash statements; autonomy for London, unification for Ireland, Scotland to block the EU exit letter, English out as an official EU language, no voting rights for Grandads, etc, etc.

However the mood amongst our former EU political partners was no more tranquil - especially after MEP Nigel Farage turned up in Brussels to say I told you so.

Some EU members wanted an immediate UK divorce while others tried to goad the UK into action by saying that we lacked the guts to actually leave. However most seemed to want to make the British pay for their stupid desertion vote and for us to regret ever challenging the right of the Brussels elite to lead the European continent towards its promised Nirvana.

Now it looks like we are going to need a really-special special agent to make good our escape from Brussels in one piece. Things may get even worse before they get any better ... if that is even possible after England’s Euro 2016 football shambles on Monday.

tags: EU, UK, England, Scotland, Europe, referendum, vote, poll



EU Referendum Vote

Juncker Cameron - What went wrong?No more opinion polls, banners, leaflets, meetings, speeches, debates, promises or threats about our choice of leaving or remaining in the European Union. Instead today we have the cold, hard results of yesterday’s vote and groups of dazed politicians wondering what happens next.

The published facts are -

LEAVE 17,410,742 Votes
REMAIN 16,141,241 Votes

Meaning that LEAVE wins by a majority of 1,269,501

So now there are 16 million voters who did not get the result they wanted. A situation where the activists in the loosing camp will be demanding recounts, reruns or to simply ignore the outcome.

Two knaves from the same packBut for those who make their living out of politics the result will directly effect their careers. Clearly all the UK MEPs - and their assistants - will have no future role in Brussels. And with over 70% of Westminster MPs backing Remain there are plenty who will have to rethink their positions. This is especially true for the leaders of the Conservative government and the Labour opposition who both pushed the Remain case.

The fact that Scotland voted to Remain will be good news for the SNP and has already lead to calls for a re-run of the Scottish independence vote.

Meanwhile poor Gibraltar has seen its huge vote to Remain swamped by the massive votes to leave in most of the English regions.

More developments are sure to follow very soon ... Lord Farage? ex-Prime Minister Cameron? ... Watch it on a TV channel near you.

tags: EU, UK, England, Scotland, Europe, referendum, vote, poll



Meme of the Day


tags: EU, Europe, European, Union, Vote, Leave, Remain, Queen, President, Countdown



Meme of the Day

Poor_Britannia_EU Slaves

tags: EU, Europa, European, Union, Britannia, Knaves



Meme of the Day


tags: EU, Europa, European, Union, Vote, Leave, Stay



Meme of the Day

Juncker President Leave

tags: EU, Europa, European, Union, Leave It



Meme of the Day


tags: EU, Europa, European, Union, feeble, minds, masters, elite, Eurocrat



Meme of the Day

Vive the Generalisimo-President

tags: EU, Europa, European, Union, Big, Beloved, Leader, Brother, UK, Vote, Remain



Meme of the Day


tags: EU, Europa, European, Union, Big, Brother, Unloved, Leader,



Meme of the Day


tags: EU, Europa, European, Union, Central, Banker, Migrants



Meme of the Day

Babel Eurozone Lifestyle

tags: EU, Europa, European, Union, Babel, Future



Meme of the Day


tags: EU, Europa, European, Union, Court, Auditors, Luxembourg, Accounts, Declined



Meme of the Day


tags: EU, Europa, European, Union, Germany, Melancholia



Meme of the Day


tags: EU, Europa, European, Union, Big, Beloved, Leader, Brother, UK, Vote


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